Date: 22nd Oct 2024
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Date: 5th February 2024

Tuesday is Women's night; New Registration rules; No increase in club fees; Overs cricket available for U11s

SUMMARY OF NEWS FROM THE AGM held on 16 January 2024

(See Bulletin page for 2024 elected Management Committee)

A well-attended meeting including 34 Member Clubs and 9 Associate Member Clubs considered and voted on the Items of Business of which previous notice had been given. All motions were agreed by the meeting.

  1. League Subscription Fees to remain the same as in 2023.  
  2. Renaming of the Embee Cup (3rd X1 T20) to become the MIKE DUNN Cup (Recognising Mike’s outstanding contribution to Alder Cricket Club and Junior Cricket across Merseyside).
  3. Revised arrangements for the Management and Governance of the Competition   (An amended structure formalising an Executive Committee, a Full Committee and Sub-Committees)
  1. Establishing TUESDAY as a Priority Night for Women’s and Girls matches fixtured as part of the organised League Programme.
  2. Renaming the wording in the handbook of the Tea interval to read – an interval of 30 minutes duration.
  3. A major change of the Play Cricket Player Registration procedure from 1 February 2024 in accordance with ECB Requirement. All new and transferred players in Category 1 and 2 and those in age group U17 and aboveare now required to register their own account on play-cricket with their own log-on, password and email address.

(A guidance note has been issued to all Club Secretaries and will be incorporated in the 2024 revised Handbook when published on the website)

  1. A re-write of the Women’s and Girls section Playing Rules and Registration and Eligibility Regulations, with some changes, fully establishing this section within the Constitution.

(A full copy of this new section is available from Club Secretaries and will be incorporated in the 2024 revised Handbook when published on the website)

1. The introduction of Standard Overs Cricket (in addition to pairs cricket) in the League U11 Age Group during the 2024 season on a voluntary basis.

(Club Junior Leads have full details of the offer).

2. 1st X1Umpires Match Fees to be increased to £70 in 2024, for a two year period. All other fees, Inc T20, to remain the same.

Full minutes will be published on the website.

Love Lane Liverpool Competition Management Committee

February 2024

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