Date: 13th Oct 2024
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Date: 24th May 2024


This season ECB Premier Leagues have been asked to focus on Governance and Girls .with the ECB saying “The reason for focussing on these two areas is that ECB ambitions are to deliver a strong, vibrant and inclusive core game and we believe the 2024 Accreditation criteria appropriately reflect this ambition”

Specifically this now translates into the following accreditation criteria in relation to Girls cricket for season 2024 as follows:

Provide evidence that the Premier League are advising all clubs that having at least onegirls’ team is a requirement for playing cricket in the Top 2 1st X1 divisions in 2025 and thatother clubs within the League are being encouraged to start a girls’ section if they have notalready done so.

We know that many of our clubs have developed Women’s teams, as is the situation throughout the Country, and now we are being asked to focus specifically on Girls teams. There are some in our League, but not many. The League will help and support clubs with this initiative in a number of ways:

There are Girls U11 Softball Festivals already planned for Sunday 9 June at Sefton Park CC’ Sunday 30 June at Liverpool CC; Sunday 21 July at Irby CC and Sunday 18 August at Northern CC.

We have run a number of successful indoor events for Girls (of all ages) through the winter (at the Firefit Centre, Liverpool) and will do so again this year. In addition, we will provide and fund as many additional events/starter coaching sessions/tournaments that are necessary to meet the demand.

Please contact Liz Sinker (Chair Women’s and Girls Section) and Paul Bate (Women’s and Girls Cricket Officer) if you wish for any girls or teams from your club to take part in the outdoor festivals as soon as possible. Please also indicate interest in events throughout the winter. They are also here to help you with support and advice.


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